Saturday, October 1, 2011

31 Day Challenge: Mat Sat. Sam Sat.

When my children were first learning to read, we frequently pulled out the Bob Books. The charmingly simple illustrations and silly escapades of characters like Mat and Sam made for a delightful introduction to the world of literature.

The first book in the series tells us (very briefly) of Mat and Sam's initial adventure. What did they do together? It's very exciting, so I'll tell you.

They sat.

And that's it. Mat sat. Sam sat. The book ends, and we don't know a whole lot about these guys. But we do know one thing for sure: They sat.

This month, I plan to sit. Like Mat and Sam, I feel that it's a pretty good way to begin. A good way to begin to sit quietly with my children, to linger with my husband during those evenings that are filled with a million responsibilities, to still my heart before the Lord, to make time for tea with a friend.

I sat with the Lord this morning, and He shared a special reminder from Exodus. Moses had just read the Book of the Covenant to the Israelites. Their response?

"We will do everything the Lord has said; we will obey." (Exodus 24:7)

My desire is to seek obedience as I listen to the Lord's prompting this month. It's hard to listen when I'm running about with hardly any time to sit and be still. Of course this is a life-long hope, not just limited to a thirty-one day challenge. But I trust that this will be a time of learning and growing.

I'm guessing it will probably be frustrating at times, too. October is filling up, and it will take discipline to find the quiet in those calendar squares that rigidly block out my month. I can already envision the post that will not exceed one line: "Today I sat because I was in the van taking the kids to their lessons and you pretty much have to sit down while driving."

But I know the Lord uses those times to speak, as well. To remind me that "good" can be the biggest enemy of "best." So what is the best way for me to spend my moments this day? It takes a listening ear to discern such things, and I want to be in that position. Ready to hear, ready to obey.

I want to be ready to sit at the table and color with Miss Kate. Ready to sit on the floor with Aidan while we play with LEGOS. Ready to sit at the sewing machine with Bethie. Ready to sit on the couch with Drew as he reads a Harry Potter chapter aloud. Ready to sit and listen to my husband's heart, to know his dreams, to share in his ambitions. Yes, ready to sit.

So here I go. It's time to let the sitting begin. Again, I'd love to have you join me. Let's sit together and find delight in the blessings that come to a quieted heart. Maybe I'll even write a book about it. In fact, I've already written a brilliant first line:

Julianna sat.
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  1. What a powerful reminder! I came her looking for where this "Sam sat. Mat sat." came from, and got some reminders from God. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Oh, that's so neat to hear, Dana! Thank you for telling me. I love the way the Lord leads us to just the right place at just the right time. He's so good! Blessings on you!



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