Friday, November 2, 2012

{Within Our Reach}

The Mist and All
Dixie Willson

I like the fall,
The mist and all.
I like the night owl's
Lonely call --
And wailing sound
Of wind around.

I like the gray
November day,
And bare, dead boughs
That coldly sway
Against my pane.
I like the rain.

I like to sit
And laugh at it --
And tend
My cozy fire a bit.
I like the fall --
The mist and all.

This month I'm purposing to give thanks. We're off to a rocky start (going on day eleven with at least one person sick) but I'm finding there's still so much for which I'm grateful:

Creativity . . .

Humor . . .

Flexible education . . .

Art . . .

Visitors . . . (chuga-rum!)

And always, always, for him . . .

For every day of November I plan to share an aspect of my gratitude on my facebook wall. Many are joining me. Would you do the same, either here, there . . . or anywhere?

Because gratitude paves the way for joy.

The gloom of the world is but a shadow; behind it, yet within our reach, is joy. Take joy.
Fra Giovanni

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  1. For electricity and running water and indoor plumbing!

    1. Amen! (Especially during flu season ;).) We had a fire tonight, just for fun, but it reminded me to be thankful for heat at the flip of a switch. I couldn't imagine the added stress of hauling wood when caring for sick people! :)

  2. An acrostic of thankfulness:
    T: Telling others of God's faithfulness
    H: Hugs and Husband
    A: All my children
    N: New baby
    K: Kingdom of God, by grace I am a part of
    F: Food!
    U: Ugly sins have been washed away, by the sacrificial blood of Christ
    L: Love

    Happy thanksgiving to you and yours!

    1. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Chanda! I love the acrostic; I should do this with the kiddos! Hope you have a blessed holiday season!



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