Remember the last time I scribbled my heart out to Jesus and He showered me with exactly what I needed? Well, folks, He did it again. A similar inky prayer ascended a little while ago, almost like an Anne post-script: Oh, and Lord, would you provide a vacation for our family? Just a little something? Thank you.
The next morning I opened my inbox. There was an email from my mom. The subject line? Vacation. Just the one word. My heart stopped. A friend thought of our family when she realized that they wouldn't be able to use their next allotted timeshare dates in Seaside, Oregon. Since we weren't bound by a stringent school schedule and 9 to 5 job, might we be interested?
Good heavens, yes.
What a blessed gift. (Both the giver-of-the-gift and I were in awe as we marveled with glistening eyes over the way the Lord had orchestrated this plan.)
So we went. And for five days we basked in the majesty of the Lord's Pacific Ocean. Our spirits were ushered to a deep, much needed haven of rest as the waves swept ashore with their unfailing tempo.
The resort was wonderful, and we continued to find the Lord's touch along the way -- right down to the pool. (One of our family goals this summer was for the kids to gain greater confidence in the water. So having a pool that we could visit once, twice, even three times a day? Not a bad arrangement.)
Our family ties strengthened as we rested and played together: books (and books and books -- mama actually finished two!), sand castles, leisurely meals, The Murphy Bed (Avery's favorite, both to sleep in and jump on -- and also just to mention as many times as possible; it's so fun to say, "The Murphy Bed," as though it hosts a distinguished guest), board games, swimming, shopping (antiquing!), stealing away with Avery to play with friends in Cannon Beach (where the two little bread-tossing pixies were surrounded by greedy seagulls), family movie night, people-watching from our seventh-story-perch (of the I Spy variety), beach combing, wave jumping . . . .
My list of thanksgiving goes on and on (which, I am finding, makes the return to normal life a bit easier.) As we spilled back into our home this week with sand in our hair, sun on our skin, and taffy in our pockets, we also felt the swell of praise in our hearts to the One from whom all blessings flow.
I'm glad you guys were able to get away and have a nice trip! My mom has a timeshare through that same company, so Jeff and I try to head down to Seaside at least once yearly. It is such a nice resort! :)