Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Morning Whisper

I tiptoe quietly down the stairs, my hand skimming the rail. Bare feet touch the cool hardwood floor, and I step even more strategically lest the cranky floorboards disturb the blissful slumber of four small people. Just a few quiet moments in the morning; a prayer on the porch, a cup of tea, a chorus of songbirds . . . a whisper from the Lord. Not far into that whisper, a little jammie-and-flip-flop clad girl joins me. Her warm body snuggles deep into my lap and I stroke the fuzzy braids that remain from the day before. Rubbing her eyes, she quickly decides to join the morning chorus and falls to chattering like a little chickadee. The birdie blythely finishes off my tea (without so much as a by-your-leave), then skips off to visit her favorite climbing tree . . . . Yet somehow my communion has not been disturbed. Because I am at peace, my morning has been enriched. And, most precious of all, I am given the chance to share that peace with a wee, small friend.
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