Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 15: Speaking of Books

Bethie grabbed her Nancy Drew. I grabbed Papa's Wife. We plopped, side by side at the kitchen table, and feasted on words.

I think Bethie would bring a book to every meal if allowed. (I suppose I would, too.) Noting this tendency, I have declared that breakfast and dinner are to be book-free meals. This is family time for visiting and laughing and trying to keep Miss Kate in her seat.

Since lunch is more relaxed, it seems like a good time to have a book in one hand and a sandwich in the other.

This morning, however, I broke my breakfast rule and told the kids to bring books to the table. I do this when I know that breakfast will last a while. This is usually the case when we have Swedish pancakes, a crepe-like deliciousness filled with butter and brown sugar. I can only make two at a time, and if everyone wants three or four . . . it's time consuming. Kinda hard to wait for. But I want to train the little one to stay patiently at the table. So we bring books.

The last two pancakes are for mama. (Isn't that always how it is? This is good. Rest after service.) I add pecans to my crepes, following my mother's example. (I can still see her copy of the recipe, typed out -- as in typewriter typing -- on a thin strip of blue paper. I think it came from a church event.) By this time, the kids have finished their pancakes and have been excused. I grab my book and feast.

* * * * * * * *

Speaking of books . . . I saw a great idea this week. (Thanks for the tip, Josie, Katie and Kari!) I know it's early to think about Christmas (or maybe it's not -- I tend to procrastinate), but this is a fun advent activity. Wrap 24 Christmas books you already own, and each day snuggle up with your kiddos and let them unwrap a bedtime story. Isn't that cozy?

Although I do have a box of Christmas books tucked away, I think I'll haunt Goodwill for the next few weeks to surprise my kids with some new-to-us stories.

This is the one I found today. It's snuggly. (To think! I'm already getting ready for Christmas.)

What's your favorite Christmas story?
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